Sunday 20 November 2011

Where there's muck ....

There is even more muck!!!!

David has spent the last 3 days mucking out the entire barn so that everyone is clean and ready for the winter.  Still, he got to play with his new dung fork grab thing, so he was a happy boy.  Amazing what keeps men amused :-)

And here he is toddling along in his tractor in the sunshine spreading some of last year's muck onto one of our fields:

And while everyone is starting to get ready for Xmas, it would appear that my Xmas cactus has got a bit ahead of itself:

In full flower with 5 weeks to go.  I think it has peaked too early - there won't be a single flower left by Xmas Day!

The weather has been absolutely gorgeous for the past few days and the goats have been making the most of the sunshine.  Even though the big chaps are now indoors in the barn, we can open up the big front gates so that they can enjoy the warm sunshine.  It also gives the place a bit of an airing as the barn is getting a bit 'manly' with all those hormones still raging.

One of my jobs tonight is to go through my mating list and see who is left.  We have to make a final decision on who is running through the winter (ie, not being put into kid) and then I need to organise my scanning man to come and check who is actually pregnant and how many kids we can expect next year.  And then I can book my nervous breakdown ...

Whilst looking for some more goatie pics to post on the blog, it suddenly occurred to me that I have never posted any of Ben and Nell, our two Border Collies.  It would seem that I haven't got any up to date shots of them either - they are now about 18 months old.  So, for the moment, here are a couple of pictures taken when they were puppies:

Ben - fast asleep at a couple of weeks old

Nell and Ben

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