Saturday 12 November 2011

Modern Art in the parlour

It would appear that David has taken up modern art in his spare time.  That, or extreme boredom has set in!  On entering the milking parlour yesterday I found two creations.

 Exhibit number 1 - Water Pipe:

Two short lengths of water pipe balanced on a gate post.

Exhibit number 2: Feed Bins

Random lids.  Too lazy to put the correct lid on the bin or an artistic statement?!

I'm going to try and sell them to the Tate Modern - see if they are interested in a bit of agricultural art.

Anyhow - to more important matters!  Balham Farmers Market was excellent again today.  Seemed busier than the first time I went there a couple of weeks ago and I certainly sold a lot more cheese.  I also had a couple of pre-orders via email - one family came to pick up 60 pints of milk!

I have found the customers at both markets to be extremely welcoming and friendly.  It is also absolutely delightful to be thanked by shoppers for taking the time to come up to London.  They really seem to appreciate the time and effort given by the stallholders and recognise that everyone has a very early start and travel a long way to bring their products into town for them to enjoy.  Once again, the weather was very kind to us but I'm sure that it won't last much longer!

Back in the parlour, I managed to get a photo of Willow being exceedingly lazy.  Why stand when you can sit?!

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