Saturday 24 December 2011

They think it's all over ....

it is now!   HURRAH!!!!  All cheese sold and delivered.  All milk bottled and gone.  Hurrah ... It's been a very long week of late nights, early mornings and frantic rushing about to get everything done in time for Xmas.  The final event was an extra Wye Market this morning which was absolutely blinding.  And now I have no energy left at all.  I shall be forced to sit and eat and drink myself silly tomorrow.  In between milking and feeding the goats of course!

Navajo has been a good boy and 'seen to' all his ladies, apart from one who still doesn't seem to have come into season.  We will move him back in with the other boys tomorrow morning so that they can spend Xmas together.

Here's all the boys snuggled up for the evening:

From L to R - Larkin, Norville, Beamish, Fremlin and Max

Evening seems to be the time when Daramac lets himself out through his 'cat flap' and goes for an evening stroll in the main male pen.  He checks out all the troughs to see if there is any food left, makes sure that the hay is up to standard and then stands up on the gate to have a look round:

When he's happy that everything is as it should be, he goes back into his own pen and lies down.  Looks like he may be going back to Margate in a couple of weeks as his friend Gus is recovering well from his bad leg and is really missing his best mate.

Francesca, our assistant goatherd who spends a few months with us in the spring to help out with kidding, came to visit tonight and brought lots of treats for the goats.  Boxes of pears, bananas, melons and apples have appeared in the goat shed so I have a busy morning ahead to chop that lot up ready for Xmas breakfast!

Meanwhile, as you can see, everyone is very busy getting ready for Santa Claus:

Hebe and Quince taking it easy

Little men, fast asleep

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