Tuesday, 28 January 2014

More change for goatlings

Yesterday, David and Anita moved the fences that have separated the goatlings and milkers.  The goatlings' area has been made smaller and just 9 girlies remain in there now.  They are the ones who are not yet in kid and so one of our handsome chaps was brought round to keep them company.  Daramac had no warning that it was going to be his lucky day and he did seem a little confused at first but it only took him a few seconds to realise that he was back with his own little goatie harem.

The rest of the goatlings are now mixing with the milkers and, so far, there doesn't seem to have been too much fighting, although the goatlings are still tending to stay in the same area that they were in before - just without the fences!

This gaggle of goaties are mosly goatlings ..

And here are some of the Mary goats, still lying around in the corner where they used to live.  Old habits die hard in  the goatshed!

And this morning we managed to get most of the goatlings and Mary's kids all through the parlour.  It took a lot of coaxing and a bit of pushing but they were very brave girls and all came in for breakfast.  The theory is that if we get them used to the parlour now, then it won't be half as stressful for them at kidding time.  I like a nice theory ...

Here are some of the little Mary goats having their brekkie this morning:


Of the girls who are in kid, Persi holds the current prize for fattest goat in the barn.  A title usually held by our beloved Footsie.  Persi (or Dresden Persona, to give her her proper name) looks like she has swallowed a yoga ball ..  And she's only meant to be having twins!

 Meanwhile, Vivien with the twisty face had obviously been enjoying the mineral lick - look at the state of that little goatie nose!


  1. Looking forward to some baby pictures, won't be long now, Persi looks about ready to pop :-) Mark

  2. Just about a month before kidding starts .. unless we get any more surprises of course! Yes, poor Persi is growing wider by the day.
