Saturday, 25 January 2014

Difficult issues with sacks and buckets

The weather was kind to us today at Notting Hill Farmers Market and, although it didn't seem quite as bustling as usual, trade was steady and I didn't come home with much in my van, apart from the lovely goodies that I always bring home for myself! 

As usual at Notting Hill, I raided the Hurdlebrook stall for raw cow's milk (treat for David!), raw cream and large pots of their deliciously thick fruity yoghurt.  Yum ..

Whilst Galileo had the most wonderful pale blue eggs on offer ..

So, straight back home to sort the youngsters out and then to start milking again.  We were concerned that we might lose power this evening as we had an evil storm hit just as we were about to start.  Thunder, lightning and torrential rain made the lights flicker but fortunately, it was only short-lived and everything carried on working as usual.

And, as usual, we had bad goatie behaviour.  Mora had a few issues with an old feed sack that she found lying on the floor and decided to stick her head in to see if there might be anything tasty lurking right at the bottom.

Don't think she'll do that again in a hurry!!

And then there was a crash from outside as Cilla fell off her perch into the water bucket  ... You may remember that she likes to drink her water by standing on a block by the water buckets:

We're not sure what happened but we think that one of the other goats may have shunted her up the backside and tipped her off her block .. She fell right into the bucket and got absolutely soaking wet.  Poor Cilla!

Young Klaudette is doing really well and now trots into the parlour quite happily with the older milkers.  Here she is enjoying her tea this evening ..

What a good little goatie she is!

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