Tuesday 13 September 2011

Another busy day

Came home from milking and sorting the goats out this morning to find that my lovely cat Marmite had left 2 presents for me - one small dead shrew on the kitchen floor and another upstairs on the bathroom floor.Both without a mark on them but, sadly, very deceased

Marmite in her control centre, planning her next expedition. What a hunter!

Had a great afternoon visiting Sue and David Clinker in Whitstable to talk about this new blog and revamping our website so that they both match. David, is our webmaster and does a great job of compiling and editing the website for us. So, we'll doing a bit of a website rebuild over the next few weeks with some extra bits and pieces for you to look at.

http://www.elliesdairy.co.uk/ in case you haven't found us yet.

Sue, is an extremely talented portrait artist (check out her website at http://www.sueclinker.co.uk/) and she was the lady responsible for doing the original pencil drawing of Ellie that we use for our logo.
Sue has a great blog of her own at http://www.pencilpix.blogspot.com/ and I have a feeling that she will end up being my blogging helpdesk!

The goats are starting to feel the change in the season as the slightly lower temperatures and shorter days affect their hormone levels. Over the past couple of days the girls have started showing a lot more interest in the boys and the boys in turn have started strutting their stuff for the ladies. It's that time of year ... here we go again!

At the moment boys and girls are separate but, once we have decided on matings for the year, we will pen up the males with their specially selected groups of ladies and leave them to do what comes naturally!

Here's Max getting himself into shape for the season ahead:


  1. What a caring cat you have ... she's obviously very concerned about your poor hunting skills and bringing you food to keep you going .. shame she doesn't know you're a 'veggie'

    Well done Marmite!! :-)

  2. It would seem that she is concerned about me getting bored as well .... I get at least one present every day. Sometimes dead but sometimes very alive. It's always a joy to be chasing small speedy mice round the bedroom in the middle of the night. I obviously look like I need the exercise!
