Tuesday 23 February 2016

Let's hear it for Alice!

In between all that dismal grey and wet weather, we have had some cracking days!  Early morning sunrise saw the goaties race out into the field and up their mountain:

Then as the day warmed up a little, they went all the way down to the bottom of the field ..

Some people noticed that the hedges needed trimming ..

And it wasn't long before a fallen branch grabbed their attention and was eagerly devoured!

With only a week or so to go until the start of kidding, some girls are displaying distinctly large waistlines.  Patsy goat looks like she has swallowed a yoga ball ..

Meanwhile, udders are sprouting everywhere and the first contender for the 2016 Dolly Parton Award is Oopsie goat ..

Many more to come I suspect!  By the way ... the red mark is to show that she is in kid and shouldn't be milked.

And finally, poor Alice goat is feeling under the weather at the moment.

She is a very sweet girlie and is carrying twins, due mid March.  Normally a very healthy goat, she is really struggling with her pregnancy this time round for some reason.  She is bright and alert but picking at food and her little goatie legs don't want to hold her up any more.  Poor Alice .. 

So she has her own little cosy area where she can eat and drink by herself without anyone else shoving their nose in.  Plenty of straw, a cosy warm coat, regular banana treats and bucketloads of TLC will hopefully carry her through.  Our wonderful vet Peter called in to check her out this evening and he is happy that she is comfortable.

So we just keep a very close eye on her and hope that she makes it through the next few weeks.  Everyone send their warm thoughts and good wishes to Alice for a speedy recovery and a successful kidding!

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