Saturday 20 June 2015

More excitement for babies

Barely had the little people recovered from their trip to Balham when it was time to trot back into the trailer and trundle round the M25 on our annual visit to the Rackspace Green Fayre.

This was our 3rd year as guests of the company and we received a very warm welcome as usual.  Being old hands at this game, the little people were soon out of the trailer ..

And were absolutely delighted when Auntie Sal turned up to see them again!

As usual, Sal had brought both human and goatie goodies with her and the small people were soon investigating what was on offer.  This little white girlie discovered that she liked rosemary very much!

This is young Mbuzi just checking out what was happening.  She is a very pretty little girl with very unusual markings .. she reminds us of some strange little African creature and so one of our work experience students, Ben, suggested that she should be named 'Mbuzi' which is Swahili for 'goat'.

The Rackers were thrilled to see the goaties again and many of them asked to feed the babies and give them cuddles.  For many of these teccies, this is probably the only animal contact that they have all year!

As the afternoon wore on and the temperature started to rise, the little people soon got tired and had to lie down for a little siesta.

And it wasn't long before they were absolutely flat out asleep!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, David was taking full advantage of the hot weather and was busy mowing grass ready to make hay.  Young Monkey decided that she should be the official taster and so off she went into the middle of the field just to check that everything was OK.

Whilst most of her friends were just lounging around in the sunshine ..

And finally .. just to bring you up to date with Marmite cat ... Here she is hard at work in my washing basket:

Tough life eh?!

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