Saturday, 25 October 2014

A slide into decadence

Is this the slippery slope into decadence?  Sitting in bed with my laptop and mobile broadband dongle, sipping Sal's delicious homemade kirsch?  I will spare you the selfie of me in my jim-jams with Marmite Cat ..  Think yourselves lucky!

So, I am enjoying my extra hour of GMT and thought I would make the most of the extra time by writing you a little blog.

Today was a lovely dry and sunny market day.  Whilst I was at Notting Hill, young Joe went off to Twickenham for the second time.  And very good it was too!  The meat sold out very quickly (note to self .. take more meat to Twickers) and the cheese, milk and soap were also very popular.  Joe was pleased to see many customers coming back to make repeat purchases and so we are hoping that this new market will be worth while.

Meanwhile, at Notting Hill, Jamie's flowers were still in full bloom:

And it was great to see Omer from the Hackney Deli/Bow Belly who had all kinds of deliciousness on his stall including sage, goats' cheese and squash muffin.  This is made using a mixture of two of our cheeses and it is truly an awesome muffin ..

And Epi continues to be a naughty goat at milking time but now lets herself in to the Naughty Corner.

Here she is trying to help David figure out how to use his new phone!



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