Thursday 2 April 2015

Ginger's new apprentice

Long time followers of our blog may remember our escaping goat Ginger.

And the fact that when Husky was a baby, she also used to climb out and follow Ginger around the barn ..

For several months now Ginger has been on her best behaviour but yesterday, for some reason, decided that it was time to get up to her old tricks again.  Out she comes and we keep on finding her wandering about in the barn.

And someone else has decided that this looked like fun.  A small brown person can now be found climbing out through the gate to join her Auntie Ginger.

So who might this little person be?  Well ... you may not be surprised to know that it is the first kid of 2015.  One of Husky's triplets.  Oh yes indeedy ...  As I have said before - it would seem that bad behaviour is genetic.  Looks like we are in for some entertaining times ahead!

Goatie births have continued in earnest this week with over 30 babies appearing.  Fortunately, we have two vet students working with us - both Beth and Lizzie have spent time with us before and so it is really good to have them both back.  They know exactly what to do, where things are and are familiar with our daily routine .. makes life so much easier!  They have both been brilliant this week and are working really hard to help out.

At the end of last week, I took 10 of our little chaps to their new home at the Museum of Kent Life.  Every year they have a selection of our kids there for bottle feeding and to teach the public visitors about goats.  They are always a really popular attraction and we took them there in preparation for a busy Easter weekend.

They were thrilled with their new house and everyone was bouncing around with their new humans, only stopping briefly for feeding time!

Back at home, quite a few of the Mary goats all kidded at the same time and so we put them all in one large part of the barn together.  There was brief chaos as everyone had to sort out which baby was which but eventually everyone settled down quite happily ..

And dear old Maggi goat was very proud of her new son, although he is a completely different colour to her with those very odd ears!

And finally .. a couple of little bouncing baby videos for you. Enjoy!

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