Sunday, 26 July 2015

A burst of colour on a grey day

What a grey day!  To misquote Larry Grayson .. showing my age now!

Marylebone Farmers' Market was all set to be fairly quiet with the start of the summer hols, but when the rain started to fall from the sky, it put a few more nails in the coffin.  It was dreary, cold and very wet .. hardly the weather for the good people of Marylebone to wander round their local farmers market.

There were some brave souls who donned their waterproofs and ventured out - thank you all!!  But it was a rather damp and quiet day .. all the stalls had lots of produce left at the end of the day and the stallholders were all gaily swapping items between themselves.  Cheese for bread.  Cheese for veg.  Cheese for cheese ..

Cold and wet from packing up, I wandered back to pick up my van via the rather lovely Paddington Street Gardens .. And chanced upon the most wonderful display of begonias I have ever seen .. A burst of colour on a rather dark and dismal rainy London afternoon:

Cheered me up briefly before I had to hit that Sunday afternoon traffic ..


  1. Hi, see your post that is wonderful. The colours are very beautiful and pictures are also beautiful. Thanks to share nice post with images.

  2. They are quite stunning aren't they? Hope you've warmed up/dried out now
